Sign Contract
1. Create Session Token : First Step When Customer Click On Sign contract You Have To Initialize Session First By Creating Session Token Using The Following API :
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1. Create Session Token : First Step When Customer Click On Sign contract You Have To Initialize Session First By Creating Session Token Using The Following API :
Last updated
Sign Contract Approach Enum (1) value if you want to sign by applicant and (2) if you want to sign by organization.
In case (upload file by applicant )
the required data only (tenant Id, tenant secret , applicant id , SignContractMode(1 or 2) for low and high modes respectively , SignContractApproachEnum (1 , 2 ) for applicant and organization
in case of applicant (SignContractApproachEnum = 1 ) , SignContractFile is Mandatory to be uploaded
in case of organization (SignContractApproachEnum = 2) , selectedSignContractId is Mandatory
In case (using Existing Template Created By Organization Admin) or Contract Template Will be created Using Back to Back APIs on the fly
in case applicant want to sign ( applicant id and contract template id is mandatory ) in nullable data ( in case organization admin already created an contract Template )
in case organization want to sign ( slectedSignContractId is mandatory ) in nullable data ( in case organization admin already created an contract Template )
( in case organization want to create contract template using APIs on the fly ) the person who responsible for integrating should send ContractDetails sections as rich text as a mandatory data with at least one section having data , also SignContractApproachEnum should be (1)
Low mode (1) for signing contracts using OTP (One-Time Password) is a secure and efficient method where a unique, time-sensitive code is sent to the signatory's mobile device or email. By entering the OTP, the signatory confirms their identity and intent to sign, ensuring only the intended recipient can authorize the contract. This process enhances security and simplifies the signing procedure, making it ideal for remote or digital transactions.
High mode (2) for signing contracts involves using digital signatures, a robust and secure method of authentication. Digital signatures use cryptographic techniques to create a unique digital fingerprint for the signer, which is then attached to the document. This ensures the identity of the signer and the integrity of the document, preventing tampering and unauthorized alterations. High mode digital signatures are ideal for important and legally binding agreements, offering the highest level of security and authenticity.
HighRiskFRA mode (4) for signing contracts involves using digital signatures, a robust and secure method of authentication. Digital signatures use cryptographic techniques to create a unique digital fingerprint for the signer, which is then attached to the document. This ensures the identity of the signer and the integrity of the document, preventing tampering and unauthorized alterations. HighRiskFRA mode digital signatures are ideal for important and legally binding agreements, offering the highest level of security and authenticity.
LowRiskFRA mode (5) for signing contracts using OTP (One-Time Password) is a secure and efficient method where a unique, time-sensitive code is sent to the signatory's mobile device or email. By entering the OTP, the signatory confirms their identity and intent to sign, ensuring only the intended recipient can authorize the contract. This process enhances security and simplifies the signing procedure, making it ideal for remote or digital transactions.
applicantId is sent back to you after onboarding success at the callback URL you configured here. You must save the ID to use for updating and authentication.
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